耶穌說:我若從地上被舉起來,就要吸引萬人歸向我。Jesus said: "I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself." - John 12:32

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Building Committee Monthly Briefing / 建堂委員會進度報告 ~ 2016-07-17

1. Building Development Committee (BDC) / 建堂委員會:

上月,建堂委員會不斷致電列治文市政府城市規劃署查詢有關環境敏感區開發許可證 (ESA DP) 申請的批核情況,其後於六月廿七日接獲列治文市政府合共八頁長的回覆。 內容主要包括索取有關地段及建築物更詳盡的資料、澄清一些申請內容、收取在Beckwith Road舖設公共設施費用的報價等等。 建堂委員會開會後立刻與總會,建築師,工程師及律師等有關人仕聯絡,並著手處理。 祈望於七月底回覆列治文市政府。
Last month, BDC had been calling the COR regarding the application status of Environmentally Sensitive Area Development Permit (ESADP) and had finally received an eight-page letter reply on Jun 27.  The letter requested extra detailed information for the relevant lot and future building; clarification on some application details, and their quotation of the public utility construction fees on Beckwith Road, and etc. After the BDC meeting, BDC had then contacted BCMBC, the Architect, Engineers, Lawyer, and all related parties to handle the relevant subject matter, aiming to revert COR by the end of July.

 2. Project Schedule Update / 項目進度更新:

2.1 結構工程師已經開始了地基設計。 機械工程師及電機工程師的人選基本上已落實,而土木工程師仍然在甄選中。Structural engineers has started the foundation design. The candidates for mechanical engineer and electrical engineer have been confirmed, but the selection of civil engineer is still in progress.

2.2 因應市政府的回信,建築工程預計會出現相當之延誤;建築費用亦因在 Beckwith Road 舖設公共設施而無可避免地超支。 實際完工日期大約於所有許可證批出後的第八個月。
In response to COR's letter , construction progress certainly will be delayed; because of the  unexpected public utility construction fee, our construction budget will be overrun inevitably. Therefore, the actual completion date will be approximately eight months after all permits has been granted.

3 Prayer Requests: /代禱事項:

a. Let us all pray for the unity of our church 為教會同心合一禱告;

b. Pray for church leaders and Building Development Committee (BDC), may God provide them the with wisdom to carrying out this project ;  為教會領袖及建堂委員會禱告,求神賜下智慧及幫助去策劃建堂項目;

c. Pray for the City of Richmond (COR), for them to review and approve our building permit applications ;  為向市政府申請各項建築許可證順利禱告;

d. Pray for God to prepare the professionals, contractor and trades persons for this project.  為聘請各項專業工程師、承建商及技工禱告,求神預備。

P.S. Prayer Walk sign up here:

Friday, June 24, 2016

Building Committee Monthly Briefing (June) 建堂委員會進度報告 (六月)

Building Committee Monthly Briefing - June // 建堂委員會進度報告 ~ 六月

1. Building Development Committee (BDC) is still waiting for the revised Church Exterior Drawing from Architect. 建堂委員會仍然等候建築師呈交修改後的教會外觀設計圖。

2. Project Schedule Update // 項目進度更新

a. Still waiting for City of Richmond (COR) to approve our Environmentally Sensitive Area
Development Permit (ESADP) application, which had been submitted at the end of last year. BDC
had inquired David Brown (COR Planner who is in charge of our permit application) and he replied
that our application has been circulating in the Engineering and Traffic Control Department for
comment. Few month ago, Engineering Department raised their concern about the water flow and
required us to submit engineer report for that. COR received our engineering report for this and
review it together with their capital project ( water main upgrade in the area). According to David,
up to this moment, he doesn't have any feedback from these two Departments.

去年底已向列治文市政府呈交環境敏感區開發許可證 (ESA DP) 申請,批核仍然進行中。建 堂委員會致電列治文市府城市規劃主管 Mr. David Brown 查詢,他回覆說我們的申請已於數 月前交往工程拓展部及交通控制部傳閱索取意見。 之後,工程拓展部向我們提出用水流量的 提問並要求我們的工程師提交有關資料。及後,他們將我們數月前所呈交的工程師報告加入 整體發展項目中(提升該區供水設施)一起考慮。 截至目前為止,仍未收到這兩部門的回 覆。

b. Thanks to our Lord who listen to our prayers , we have assigned a Structural Engineer for our project. Employment of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers are anticipated to finalize by the end of this month. We are still waiting for the ESA DP approval from City of Richmond(COR), once we acquire the ESA DP, we will submit our Building Permit (BP) to the City of Richmond (COR). Certain delay is expected in this stage, expected completion date would be approximately 8 months after issue of ESA DP.

感謝神垂聽禱告,結構工程師已經落實聘任、而機械工程師及電機工程師的人選亦可於本月 底落實。 建堂委員會仍然等候環境敏感區開發許可證 (ESADP) 的批出,一旦許可證批出, 會立刻申請建築許可證 (BP)。 建築工程預計會出現延遲,若一切順利,實際完工日期約於許 可證批出後的第八個月。

3. Prayer Requests // 代禱事項:

a Let us all pray for the unity of our church; 為教會同心合一禱告;

b Pray for church leaders and Building Development Committee (BDC), may God provide them the with wisdom to carrying out this project ; 為教會領袖及建堂委員會禱告,求神賜下智慧及幫助去策劃建堂項目;

c Pray for the City of Richmond (COR), for them to review and approve our building permit applications ; 為向市政府申請各項建築許可證順利禱告;

d Pray for God to prepare the professionals, contractor and tradespersons for this project. 為聘請各項專業工程師、承建商及技工禱告,求神預備。

Monday, May 16, 2016

Prayer Walk Signup

We want to encourage brothers/sisters to sign up for prayer walk for the building project.  Here are the details:

WHY?Prayer walking is the practice of praying on location, a type of intercessory prayer that involves walking to or near a particular place while praying. Being close to the community and the people there allows us to “pray nearer to pray clearer" - just as Jesus experienced in Matthew 9.36: "When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."
WHO?Group of friends, by small groups, or by ministry teams (deacons, praise team, greeters)
WHERE?The site (9251 Beckwith), neighbours (residential, casino, skytrain), and/or City of Richmond
WHEN?Every 2nd Saturday/Sunday or 4th Saturday/Sunday of the month
WHAT?Simply pray for the places/people. Or you can use the updates @ Building Blog.http://rpgmbcbuilding.blogspot.ca/
QUESTIONS?Contact Pastor Will / william.hui@rpgmbc.org


You can sign up on the sheet from Brittany.  Or here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10UBUINrmzk2QxeR6D0QY_d12F7jshwutpfFLuA9j-_M/edit?usp=sharing

Building Committee Monthly Briefing on 15 May 2016

1. Building Development Committee  (BDC) is still waiting for the revised Church Exterior Drawing from Architect.  建堂委員會仍然等候建築師呈交修改後的教會外觀設計圖。

2.  Project Schedule Update

a.  Still waiting for City of Richmond (COR) to approve our Environmentally Sensitive Area Development Permit (ESADP) application, which had been submitted at the end of last year.  We are expecting the results before the end of May 2016.  去年底已向列治文市政府呈交環境敏感區開發許可證 (ESA DP) 申請,批核仍然進行中。 希望五月底便有結果。

b.  Thanks to our Lord who listen to our prayers and the support from brothers & sisters, we are already in touch with Structural, Mechanical and Electrical  Engineers for our project.  We are looking forward to confirm their appointments and begin the design works at the end of the month.  Once we have received the ESA DP approval and confirmed the appointment of Engineers, we will submit our Building Permit (BP) by the end of June to the City of Richmond (COR).  Construction work is then anticipated to commence in August, and we will be able to adhere to our planned timeline and complete the construction by Feb 2017.

感謝神垂聽禱告及弟兄姊妹熱心提供,已與兩位結構工程師、一位機械工程師及兩位電機工程師接洽中,祈望於本月底可落實聘請並展開設計工作。  若五月底環境敏感區開發許可證(ESADP) 順利批出及已聘請到專業工程師,會於六月底前申請建築許可證 (BP)。 建築工程預計於八月動工,可按計劃將於2017年二月完工。

Prayer Requests / 代禱事項: 

a Let us all pray for the unity of our church ;  為教會同心合一禱告;

b Pray for our Building Development Committee  (BDC), may God provide them the with wisdom to carrying out this project ; 為建堂委員會禱告,求神賜下智慧及幫助去策劃建堂項目;

c Pray for the City of Richmond (COR), for them to review and approve our building permit applications ; 為向市政府申請各項建築許可證順利禱告;

d Pray for God to prepare the professionals, contractor and tradespersons for this project. 為聘請各項專業工程師、承建商及技工禱告,求神預備。

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Building Committee Monthly Briefing / 建堂委員會進度報告

1. The Architect designed the church exterior and submitted to Building Development Committee  (BDC) for comments on the 4th of April.  After discussion, Building Development Committee  gave recommendations to the Architect to follow up.  師已於本月呈交教會外觀設計圖給建堂委員會審閱,經建堂委員會開會後已將意交與建築 師作出修改。

2. Project Schedule Update
    a. Still waiting for City of Richmond to approve our Environmentally Sensitive Area Development Permit (ESADP) application and expected to receive the result before the end of May 2016.  去年底已向列文市政府呈交環境敏感區開發許可證 (ESA DP) 申請,批核仍 預計最遲於五月底便有結果。
    b. We have difficulty looking for Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers for our project.  Once we have appointed the Engineers, we will submit our Building Permit (BP) by the end of June to City of Richmond (COR).  Two months after we receive the ESADP, construction work is anticipated to commence in August.  We try to stick to our plan and complete the construction by Feb 2017.  因大溫建業蓬勃,我們正面對困難去聘請結構工程師、機械工程師及電機工程師。若五底環境敏感區發許可證 (ESADP) 批出及已聘請到專業工程師,會於六月底前申建築許可證 (BP) 建築工程預計於八月動工,按計劃將於2017年二月完工。
    c. If you have contact with any professional engineers who is registered and authorized in B.C., please contact Building Development Committee  (BDC). 若你認識以上專業人仕,而他持有本省執業認可資格及簽署圖則,請與建堂委員會聯絡。

Prayer Requests 代禱事項:

    a. Let us all pray for the unity of our church ; 為教會同心合一禱告;

     b. Pray for our Building Development Committee  (BDC), to provide the committee with wisdom in carrying out this project ;  為建堂委員會禱告,神賜下智慧及幫助去策劃建堂項目;

     c. Pray for City of Richmond (COR) to review and approve our building permit applications ;  為向市政府申請各項建築許可證順利禱告;

    d. Pray for God to prepare the professionals, contractor and tradespersons for this project.  聘請專業工程師各項承建商及技工禱告,求神預備。                   

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Prayers+Updates (2016-02-28)

Pray without ceasing:

  1. For the smoothness of the project: Pray that the City of Richmond will approve our ESA DP Application soon.
  2. Pray that Jehovah Jireh 耶和華以勒 will continue to provide, and that we will experience His faithfulness on the Building Fund.
  3. Pray for the unity such that we are aiming to lift up the cross to draw many to Christ.  Give thanks for a constructive meeting with the deacons and department leaders on Saturday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Prayers and Updates (2016-01-17)

Let's keep praying ...
  1. Give thanks that it was such a great day on January 9th to work on the site. Praise the Lord that we had more than 20 brothers/sisters helped on cleaning and back support.
  2. Give thanks that the City of Richmond has moved on to the next step within the ESA Development Application process.  Pray that it will continue to be smooth.
  3. Pray for our Architect Matthew - for finalizing the drawings and working with the City of Richmond.
  4. Pray for the whole Building committee.  Give thanks for their hearts and passion on working in unity.
  5. Give thanks we raised more $2,000 at the Silent Auction during the 10th Anniversary banquet.  Continue to pray for the Building Fund offering. 
Floor Plan of the New Building ...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

新教會工地 - 清理垃圾及雜草

感謝神! 一月九日共有21位弟兄姊妹清理垃圾及雜草.

Working hard

Team Work

Monday, January 4, 2016

Let's roll our sleeves on January 9th ...

New Church Site Cleaning Works
Address: 9251 Beckwith Road (Behind Costco Richmond)
Signup with Chris K (hb962demio at hotmail)

Day 1 :   09 Jan 2016  From 09:00am to 13:00pm

09:00 - 09:20   Prayer and warm up exercise


09:20 - 12:45  Site clearance - remove garbage,   cut grass & bushes along   perimeter for metal fences   installation.

  清除工垃圾 ,沿工地邊界除掉雜草及  矮樹叢,預備安裝金圍欄

12:45 - 13:00  Pack up & Prayer


ÒPPE個人安全裝備 :   Gloves (gardening & disposal),   suitable shoes or water boot,   goggles, raincoat,

Ò  勞工手套,即棄膠手套,鞋或水  鞋,保護眼罩,雨衣 

ÒTools所需工具 :   wheelbarrow, spade / shovel,   lawn rake, pick, chainsaw, axe,   mower & edger, tarpaulin sheets

Ò  手推車,鐵鏟,草耙,戳,鏈鋸,  斧頭,打草機,帆布

Ò Manpower required (min.) 人力需求  : 20 ppl