耶穌說:我若從地上被舉起來,就要吸引萬人歸向我。Jesus said: "I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself." - John 12:32

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Prayers+Updates (2016-02-28)

Pray without ceasing:

  1. For the smoothness of the project: Pray that the City of Richmond will approve our ESA DP Application soon.
  2. Pray that Jehovah Jireh 耶和華以勒 will continue to provide, and that we will experience His faithfulness on the Building Fund.
  3. Pray for the unity such that we are aiming to lift up the cross to draw many to Christ.  Give thanks for a constructive meeting with the deacons and department leaders on Saturday.

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