耶穌說:我若從地上被舉起來,就要吸引萬人歸向我。Jesus said: "I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself." - John 12:32

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Building Committee Monthly Briefing / 建堂委員會進度報告 ~ 2016-07-17

1. Building Development Committee (BDC) / 建堂委員會:

上月,建堂委員會不斷致電列治文市政府城市規劃署查詢有關環境敏感區開發許可證 (ESA DP) 申請的批核情況,其後於六月廿七日接獲列治文市政府合共八頁長的回覆。 內容主要包括索取有關地段及建築物更詳盡的資料、澄清一些申請內容、收取在Beckwith Road舖設公共設施費用的報價等等。 建堂委員會開會後立刻與總會,建築師,工程師及律師等有關人仕聯絡,並著手處理。 祈望於七月底回覆列治文市政府。
Last month, BDC had been calling the COR regarding the application status of Environmentally Sensitive Area Development Permit (ESADP) and had finally received an eight-page letter reply on Jun 27.  The letter requested extra detailed information for the relevant lot and future building; clarification on some application details, and their quotation of the public utility construction fees on Beckwith Road, and etc. After the BDC meeting, BDC had then contacted BCMBC, the Architect, Engineers, Lawyer, and all related parties to handle the relevant subject matter, aiming to revert COR by the end of July.

 2. Project Schedule Update / 項目進度更新:

2.1 結構工程師已經開始了地基設計。 機械工程師及電機工程師的人選基本上已落實,而土木工程師仍然在甄選中。Structural engineers has started the foundation design. The candidates for mechanical engineer and electrical engineer have been confirmed, but the selection of civil engineer is still in progress.

2.2 因應市政府的回信,建築工程預計會出現相當之延誤;建築費用亦因在 Beckwith Road 舖設公共設施而無可避免地超支。 實際完工日期大約於所有許可證批出後的第八個月。
In response to COR's letter , construction progress certainly will be delayed; because of the  unexpected public utility construction fee, our construction budget will be overrun inevitably. Therefore, the actual completion date will be approximately eight months after all permits has been granted.

3 Prayer Requests: /代禱事項:

a. Let us all pray for the unity of our church 為教會同心合一禱告;

b. Pray for church leaders and Building Development Committee (BDC), may God provide them the with wisdom to carrying out this project ;  為教會領袖及建堂委員會禱告,求神賜下智慧及幫助去策劃建堂項目;

c. Pray for the City of Richmond (COR), for them to review and approve our building permit applications ;  為向市政府申請各項建築許可證順利禱告;

d. Pray for God to prepare the professionals, contractor and trades persons for this project.  為聘請各項專業工程師、承建商及技工禱告,求神預備。

P.S. Prayer Walk sign up here: